When Modifications Are Needed, Our Attorneys Can Help
After a divorce, life moves on for the men, women and children involved. Often, life brings significant changes for those individuals. As situations change, it may be necessary to revisit a child custody agreement, a child support order or a spousal support order and rework that order to reflect any changes. While modifications are possible, you should seek the assistance of an experienced family law attorney to help ensure the best outcome for you and your family.
At Brown Borkowski & Morrow, we are committed to helping families move in the right direction by resolving legal problems relating to court order modifications. Serving clients in Michigan and Metro Detroit, we focus our experience, energy and dedication on helping achieve the best possible results for our clients.
Spousal Support Modification Attorneys
Our lawyers regularly handle all types of modification issues, including those involving child custody, visitation, child support and spousal support. For the most part, the change in a parent or child’s circumstances must be substantial for the court to grant a modification. Qualifying changes may include:
- Job loss
- Decrease in income
- Increase in income
- Increase in school or day care expenses
- Relocation
- Remarriage
- The birth of a child
- Special needs of a child
- Failure to follow visitation schedule
- Failure of a parent to effectively “parent”
It is important to understand that the courts will keep the best interests of the children in mind regarding any modifications involving them. Our Detroit child support modifications lawyers will take the time to truly understand your situation and build a strong case for modification before going to court. Rest assured, we will protect your rights in negotiation or litigation.
Here To Help You In A Time Of Change
Have you experienced a life change that requires a court order modification? Whether you have lost your job and can no longer afford child support payments or you have experienced another major change, we can help you make any necessary alterations to existing agreements and court orders.
Call us at 888-757-1681 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation regarding your modification matter.