Brown Borkowski & Morrow


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Understanding the types and signs of elder abuse is essential

Having elder abuse happen to a loved one in Michigan can be devastating. Elder abuse can be categorized into different types, which include the following:

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Financial abuse
  • Neglect

Looking for signs of this type of abuse is essential to stop it from occurring.

Physical abuse

Physical abuse is one of the categories associated with elder abuse. It occurs when a person causes bodily harm to another individual by hitting, slapping or restraining them against their will. Unfortunately, this type of abuse can occur in any location whether it’s the older person’s home, a family member’s home or a nursing home. Frequent bruising is one of the telltale signs that physical abuse is occurring.

Emotional abuse

Another form of elder abuse is emotional abuse. It involves threats, yelling, ignoring the person or saying hurtful words. Signs can include depression, behavioral changes, emotional outbursts or fear of particular places or people. Sudden anger or mood swings from an elder may indicate emotional abuse.

Financial abuse

An elderly loved one who has had belongings or money stolen is the victim of financial abuse. Examples of this abuse happening may include money being taken from a bank account or unauthorized use of their credit cards. Discovering unknown charges on an elderly individual’s financial statements may indicate that financial abuse has happened.


Neglect can also be a form of elder abuse. It happens when a caregiver doesn’t care for the elder’s needs. Withholding access to health care, medications or food are examples of neglect. Signs to watch for include isolation from family and friends, depression or confusion, a dirty appearance or preventable bedsores.

Spotting the signs of elder abuse is critical to help ensure it stops. Talking confidentially with the person you suspect is being abused is the first step to take.