Brown Borkowski & Morrow


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An expert’s guide to purchasing commercial real estate

If you’re a Michigan investor, you may want to consider expanding your portfolio by investing in property. Many investors earn an incredible living by buying commercial real estate. Before you begin the purchase process, it’s good to know what to expect. Buying commercial property is a process that requires several essential steps.

Financing your upcoming purchases

It’s great if you have enough money to pay for commercial property out of pocket. However, most potential property buyers will need to secure funding for their purchases. Depending on how much a property of interest costs, you might need funding from more than one source. Many investors utilize commercial loans or money lenders to finance their purchases.

Taking a closer look

With a budget in mind, it’s time to start looking at properties of interest. This process often includes researching rental and vacancy rates of similar or nearby properties. It’s also imperative to have someone inspect any property of interest. An inspection can detect issues that violate commercial real estate law.

Making an offer

You can’t buy a property without knowing how much it costs. Considering that, now’s the time for you to make an offer to purchase a commercial property. Before you sign this real estate contract, it’s good to include an inspection contingency. This contingency protects you if an inspection uncovers issues with a property. An inspection contingency allows you to back out of your commercial real estate contract if an inspection uncovers property-related issues.

At first, investing in commercial real estate may seem overwhelming to someone new to this process. As you complete more transactions, you should get comfortable with buying commercial property. For more help, consider finding a mentor familiar with commercial real estate investing.
